The following steps are a brief layout of how I want my crowdfunding page to be laid out.
1. Name (TAPP)
This will be the Name of the project (the logo) – This insinuates professionalism and elegance.
2. A supporting Visual
This can be anything from the advertising mockups.
3. Where it is based
4. How much needs pledging
5. Current backers
6. Days left till it ends
7. ‘Back this project’ button
8. Prototype
This will be the lesson plan, a PDF format that allows views to have a quick read, just like the previews on Amazon Books.
9. About
This will be a small paragraph that defines what the project is and what the aims, and why it is important to do this project.
10. Supporting images
I will apply some images of the prototype so people do not have to keep clicking back and forth, they will illustrate what it is.
11. Why I am doing the project
A brief paragraph on why this project is important to me and why it could prove effective.
12. Rewards
A short and illustrated paragraph on why people should invest in the project and what they will get as a reward. I will add the images for them to view.
13. Risks and Challenges
This will explain the legalities and it will explain it is a possibility I will not get the full amount of funding. General logistical information.