Concept Direction

Proposed Solution

How to advice new parents and children on paediatric first aid care? In the recent event of concluding my research, I have come to the decision to change this question. I will now call the problem; How to add Paediatric first aid into schools?

The research has shaped my development in a way I never considered.

I have decided to tackle this problem in two areas, primary and secondary schools. Both are very important and different in terms of their education and how they are taught. Although they are taught differently it would be a wise and less time consuming objective to arrange the same project to see how they both benefit from it. Furthermore, It might be the case the higher education takes to it better than the younger field, and this might also work vice versa. Moreover, I should probably explain what this concept is.

I am going to put together a twelve-week programme that explores and highlights all the important things of first aid. Using workshops, media platforms such as Virtual Reality, Interactive Videos/Images and potentially games (not apps). All these potential programmes will be used in a way that highlights the academic resources and techniques, they will be used instead of the conventional methods of teaching. The point to this programme is not to have a class of students sit and listen to someone talk at a powerpoint presentation, the logistics behind this proposal is to engage students mentally and physically by following social and industry trends. Every VR element, game, or interactive project will have an element of learning in it, this means that they will be aware of some of it, and at other points, they will not even know they have learnt about it. Almost like subliminal messaging.

I realise this project will not be cheap and it will take some time to develop, however, I really believe involving a first aid subject in schools is the way forward. It will stop further strain to the NHS and it will prevent people dying in the streets because no one knows what to do. Not only this, but it will prepare everyone mentally, helping save someones life is daunting.

One weekend I was at work, and I came out of the office and went onto the shop floor, and I saw something hit the railing where the boxes were kept. As I walked around, I saw a man lying on the floor where he fainted and fell straight into the railings. Everyone except his carer and one stranger helped this man to his feet, everyone else was just ignoring him or walking past. I was the only staff member who offered to help and straight away I notified my superior because I am not first aid trained, there was nothing I could do except notify someone who did. I did not know what to do, I would have loved to have known. But unfortunately, I did not. Thankfully this man was okay, but if there was a ninety percent average of people in that shop that knew what to do, no one would have just walked by, nor would they be staring at him in an awkward state.

I decided to do a little more primary research, therefore, I decided to speak to an expert in the field of medical care. I contacted my local ambulance station and was able to speak to a paramedic, I gave this expert three questions to answer.

In conclusion, it helped me discover what the professionals would think if this programme decided to hit schools all over the UK. This result has made me realise I only need to focus on the one school, for now, this will be primary schools. As the medical expert said in her response, teenagers in secondary schools have other things to worry about, i.e their exams and GCSE’s etc. Donna also stated it is acceptable to show certain things to children under eleven because it could save someone’s life if they were the only person around and they were able to do CPR. Click here to see all the results.

Potential Solutions


The problem I originally chose was ‘How to advice new parents and children on paediatric first aid care?’

Although I still stand by this problem/question one hundred percent, the general route I wanted to go down was to focus on one niche thing. However, after further research, I have adapted my idea to suit the current situations of the world. I was trying to introduce the issue of not enough people knowing about first aid. The only time someone will get taught about medical care, as if they are in a medical job, need first aid as part of their job role, or are self-taught in it. Although it sounds like a wide, focused issue. I am trying to help a small amount of students tackle a wider problem if they see one school which has introduced first aid training then maybe other schools will start to think about it. Therefore, starting in a small area will identify the dangers and hopefully, make it into a larger platform.

When I conducted my research analysis I found competitors and companies who were inspirational to my idea and to the potential solution. I realised a big competitor was videos, as YouTube is a big International advertising station, there were over one hundred and seven, thousand videos that came up when I searched first aid. Now I understand that sometimes YouTube runs off tags and some of the videos would not have been anything to do with first aid, however, regardless of this number it is still very large. Moreover, to a parent, family member etc. whoever is looking to research into this problem, they would feel rather overwhelmed.

Another big competitor was the app store, there are hundreds of apps produced on first aid, healthy life etc. I could not think of a single thing that would help induce the learning of first aid, especially one that is not already out there. With an app’s unique selling points, I feel with the right categorisation, there are plenty of good first-steps in getting the app to go in the right direction and getting the app out there into the world of social/industry trends. “Design and writing of computer programmes… UK market is worth £35billion and has an annual growth rate of 15 percent. Leisure software sector is worth about £1billion.” (Howkins, 2001, 111) This problem could also be the most practical as an app, with the annual growth rate increasing every year, more people are downloading apps to manage their everyday life. However, I just do not feel there is much point in creating something that will not make much of an impact in the first aid world.

Although I wrote down LIVES and St John Ambulance as competitors, I actually learned a lot from them. This charity is led by a group of medical professionals who volunteer to go to medical emergencies and offer training on several types of first aid. LIVES also has more than seventy volunteer doctors, nurses and paramedics who respond to complex or traumatic 999 medical emergencies across Lincolnshire. paediatric first aid and emergency paediatric first aid courses. The training courses are called ‘QA LEVEL 3 AWARD’, the only thing I thought was a bit concerning, is the courses are typically only run for one to two days and the qualification will last for two to three years, depending on which one it is. Is this really enough time to study and be able to confidently perform first aid, especially on children? This got me thinking that maybe I should do something that involves quick computer generated responses. It would help in emergency situations and it would stop people from panicking, all they would need to do is access some kind of system that allows help straight away.

As I was unable to attend the Workshop which had the group ideation discussion, so in the next workshop and with the help of my tutor, we brainstormed some ideas that could be beneficial to the problem. The one that stuck out the most was an app for Alexa (Amazon Echo). This means, when you are in need of help or in an emergency, you can call out for Alexa and get her to read you instructions on what to do for certain first aid treatments. However, I thought it would be a good idea to research into this further, and unfortunately, the Red Cross has already thought of this idea. Coming up to a year ago, (April 2017) the British Red Cross launched a new educational tool that coincides with Amazons Alexa. This tool is in the form of an app and it allows Alexa to access lots of information which she speaks out loud, this is so people can use first aid in home of an emergency. (Click here to access the article)

There are several other short solutions that I think might be able to work, these are;

  • An advertising campaign
  • A series of workshops in local schools
  • Series of web videos – tutorials, discussions etc.
  • A campaign to get the law changed

In the end, I decided to pursue just the one concept result for this project, I have decided to pick a campaign to get the law changed. In the next post, I will dive further into the discussion and explain my rationing for this idea.


Academic Advertising Research

Research for Ad’s

I have found a couple books and a website that told me statistics and facts about the advertising world, it is also a good use of academic research that will help me in future projects.

YouTube and Google are one of the most used engines in the world, without “amateur- monkeys” we would not be able to advertise the things made by niche businesses. We see thousands of advertising messages a day. The capacity to retain and process more information when seen is one-hundred more times more receptacle than reading. Enduringly, we need wacky videos and clever method ways to advertise otherwise people in this era will not remember or want to buy the things you are advertising. “Year over year, mobile YouTube sessions increased 50% – half of views come from mobile devices – 60% increase in watch time year over year – fastest growth seen in 2 years” (Donchev, 2017). More and more people are using their phones for everything, everything is in an app. The internet is still a huge part of our lives

“…YouTube, is a portal of amateur videos… the world’s fastest-growing site, attracting sixty- five thousand new videos daily… boasting sixty million clips being watched each day; that adds up to over twenty- five million new videos a year… In 2006, this overnight sensation was brought by google for over a billion and a half dollars.” (Keen, 2007, 5) Keen’s lively and subjective view on YouTube’s ‘amateur’ population is very interesting. Today, ‘1,300,000,000 people in total use YouTube, that is 30 million visitors per day’. (Donchev, 2017).

There are two ways to measure advertising in financial terms. The industry itself prefers to combine the relatively small amounts that advertisers pay to agencies to create campaigns with much larger amount the advertisers spend to buy media time and space on TV, newspapers, etc.” (Howkins, 2001, 89) Companies and organisations (small or large) are getting more diverse and unique opportunities to feature on the everyday things we see. As said before, we see five thousand advertising messages a day, this is because more adverts are appearing on more digital devices. This is how I plan to reach my audience; one specific platform is YouTube. “In an average month, eight out of ten eighteen to forty-nine-year-olds watch YouTube” (Donchev, 2017), this harmonises my audience profile and is cause for my reason to advertise on YouTube. The male-to-female ratio is very contrasting, with 62% of male users and 38% female users, the consumer age percentage is as follows; 18-24=11% – 25-34=23% – 35-44=26% – 45-54=16% – 50-64=8% (Donchev, 2017) This is very abundant, and is quite feasible to consummate in regards to marketing.

It is said that “approx.20% of people start your video and leave after 10 seconds” (Donchev, 2017), this I why a good intro is always important. “Five-billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day” (Donchev, 2017), this is a good probability that means my advert might be seen.

“Kids can’t tell the difference between credible news by objective professional journalists” (Keen, 2007, 3). This statement undermines the young generation and their abilities. We rely on the new generations for new ideas and views on the things we want to expand on or make better. Most distributors will aim towards the younger generation because they are more open-minded and expandable. Keen quotes a theorist called T.H.Huxley, who gave the theory of “providing in nite monkeys with infinite typewriters and eventually they will create a masterpiece.” This theory was almost a joke on Huxley’s part, but Keen follows by saying the new culture “is blurring the lines between traditional audience and author, creator and consumer, expert and amateur”. (Keen, 2007, 2)

To gain funding for a project, I would make a strong ad campaign and I would attempt to gain money through crowdfunding, such as Kickstarter, GoFundMe, Indiegogo, Crowd funder etc.



Donchev, D. (2017) Mind Blowing YouTube Facts, Figures and Statistics – 2017. Fortunelords. Available from [accessed 10 November 2017].

Howkins, J. (2001) The Creative Economy. London: Penguin Books.

Keen, A. (2007) The Cult of the Amateur: How blogs, MySpace, YouTube and the rest of today’s user-generated media are destroying our economy, our culture and our values. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing