The Five Why’s


Workshop – Week One


From my feedback and from personal opinion, I have decided to pick the following problem to investigate, propose, research and deliver. This issue seems to have more problems than solutions, therefore, this is why I feel it is the best to participate in.

“How to advice new parents on paediatric first aid care?”


This technique of using the Five WHY’s system helps get to the route of the problem, and helps navigate a problem in the right direction

1. Why is this a problem?

This is a problem because many parents have little to no knowledge on first aid when it comes to children. There is a research figure that states almost sixty percent (60%) of people would not know what to do if their child’s life was in danger. The main concern is how to treat a child if he or she is choking. There is more than one way to treat a child or baby when it is choking, and most parents would not know how to do this. This article from the Daily Mail, tells us of the different methods for each individual danger.

2. Why should I address this problem when there is tons of information online?

Just because there is information and videos online does not mean it is going to help in the moment, we do not remember something that has been read or spoken about. Most of the population learn by doing, not listening or reading. Our brains are not as accessible from behind a computer screen. If there are classes on this, people are most likely to remember it, especially if taught throughout school from a young age. This article has been pulled from the NHS website, it has a good amount of information, but it is boring and I was less reluctant to read it, because it did not flow well enough.

3. Why is this not being taught in schools?

There are some, but few schools in the UK who actually have the ambulance service come in and teach first aid. It needs to be delivered in every school, 8 out of 10 school children believe the public would treat them better if they were first aid trained. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of school children say they would not know what to do if someone needed serious help. The public is too reliant on the emergency services, this why the NHS is so stretched and in serious need of help. On average, there are sixteen emergency calls to 999 every minute. In 2014, there were twenty-three thousand, two hundred and sixteen (23,216) calls per day, this is incredible. There are not enough people to cover these calls, if there was enough people in the world who knew first aid, we would not need the NHS services as much as we do today.

4. Why is this not being handled at the hospitals? (specifically in the maternity wards)

There is not enough staff to deal with these matters. Simple as.

5. Why do you think this will work when there is no money to spare?

If there was a way to raise money for this project and to support the NHS, we would be able to gather a small team who goes round and teaches the importance of first aid in schools. There is a team who does this, the LIVES team works for free as part of the ambulance service. LIVES is a Lincolnshire charity that supports volunteers who can deliver care to those in need of critical medical attention in their local area.


There are three final things I need to consider. Desirability, Feasibility and Viability. Firstly, I need to ask myself is this problem a desirability? I believe this idea is definitely an idea that is and can be further desired. I have spoken to several new / old mothers and they have said they would not know or did not know what to do if their had been in extreme (medical) danger. Secondly, I asked myself is this problem feasible? I believe this idea is definitely do able, there is enough self-help groups out there who would be willing to jump on this project. Finally, is this problem viable? I believe it is one hundred percent, worth it. With first aid being taught in pre-schools, it improves everyones chances of helping and saving more peoples lives, not just for young mothers but for everyone. Not to mention, it might take the strain off the NHS. (Maybe)


In conclusion to this five why’s review, I now believe I have gathered enough evidence to begin my proposal and produce a research file that will help me investigate and solve this problem.


Primary Research; Peer Review Feedback

Workshop – Week One


In my first workshop we were tasked with pairing up and giving each other feedback from the ‘Ideas Research Task’. We needed to present these ideas with our peers, to see which problems where the most interesting and engaging. This activity helped me fully understand what to do and helped me understand my three chosen ideas further. The peer review, also helped me generate a good understanding of what other people thought and how they interpreted the ideas. My favourite problem is from the ‘Go Green’ section. Although accessible, it is too commonly known and there have been so many successful and unsuccessful stories and campaigns that it is too wide to consider and narrow down to a smaller and achievable market.

After reviewing my own initial ideas and feedback, I chose a different question and I used the ‘Five Whys’ scenario to see if I could come up with a good detailed problem, on which to focus on. This meant I needed to discuss why the problem has potential and is there is any problematic issue that might prove difficult when trying to solve in the future. Concluding this, I need to give reasonable sources and inspiration for my findings and place these into my research.


Here is the feedback sheet;

feedback form


Semester B – Project One (1)

Digital Concept

Research Themes


“The theme you select is intended to provide you with a starting point from which to further investigate issues or concepts that arise from initial research. This will provide a framework in which to bring further theoretical research into your creative practice. It is important to realise that the theme is only a starting point on which to base your projects’ research and development, and that the final pitch should be an original and creative piece of work whose origins are informed by this theme.”

  1. Explore the categories set by the EYA:
  2. Choose 3 that interest you the most (or might provide most potential for a digital product to help solve an issue)
  3. Identify 3 problems for each category in the form of a question or statement… for example:
    “How can we engage more young people in politics?”
  4. In order to validate your problem, you will need to gather at least 1 piece of research that highlights it is in fact a problem… for example, the above issue can be confirmed as an issue because of the third chart from the following source:

You are each to arrive at your first workshop in Semester B with 9 problems or statements


In order to begin this task and establish an idea for the initial response, I need to select a research theme to explore further.

This task will allow me to explore a better idea of what ‘problem‘ I want to find and create an emancipation for.


The three categories I have chosen to focus on are as follows;

  1. Go Green
  2. Healthy Life
  3. Special Category; Water



1.   Go Green;

A. How can we make young people realise how damaged the planet is?

B. How do we solve the domestic animal crisis?

C. (Most people do not care, nor believe climate change is real;) How can we engage people in keeping to the go green statement?




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2.   Healthy Life;

A. How to introduce more first aid into pre-schools?

B. How to advice new mothers on paediatric first aid care?

C. How do we get mothers and fathers to join in on primary school first aid classes?




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3.   Special Category; Water

A. How can we get everyone to pick up two pieces of plastic?

B. How do we get more people involved in clean water campaigns without scaremongering?

C. How can we raise money to help monitor and maintain the water systems?




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