Critical Evaluation

The problem I decided to raise and base my project around is first aid, the aim of this project is to introduce first aid into schools. This problem’s solution got named TAPP, TAPP is a project that is focused on tackling sought after First Aid. The aim of this project is to introduce First Aid teaching into Primary schools. Using a twelve-week programme, this ‘Lesson Plan’ will explore and highlight all the important things that are involved in First Aid. The logistics of this Lesson Plan are to engage the students in a new form of teaching mentally and physically, using social and industry trends. These Trends are Virtual Reality, Interactive Videos/Images and Games.

The concept behind TAPP’s proposal / lesson plan is to attract the attention of staff members that are in the position of power in schools, it is also there to be presented to governing bodies to see if they can change the law, so school children can learn First Aid alongside their studies, just as like PE is a mandatory subject. TAPP, in terms of branding, is clean and elegant and it does well in displaying a professional feel to it. The only thing that does not work, is the leaves on either side of the name logo. With further time, this could have been developed, and something could have been made to make it more recognisable in terms of it being about first aid. The research fails to identify any other proposals that are similar, not identical, but similar in its approach. However, the research provided gives a good clear example as to why First Aid needs to be introduced. Using facts given by people who have surveyed children, helps shapes what the context is without have to contextualise it. I think this project would have been better if there was some video content attached instead of just visual mock-ups, this way there could have been a lazy option in explaining things. Most people like to watch a video, rather than read an article. Next time, I will need to conclude this in my primary research and conduct a question that asks which they prefer.

This brief that was assigned told us we needed to propose, research and communicate a digital media concept to help people in the real world. I feel this project does this to its best ability, by using both methods of research (primary and secondary) this project is well informed, however, I am not too sure whether it communicates a good understanding of the project in full. The branding and ideas are well developed and nice to look at, but it is not all about the visualisation. More programmes from the Adobe suite could have been utilised more, instead, Photoshop was taken advantage off throughout the process.

To allow for a solution, it is vital that research is conducted to its full potential. There is always something out there that will have a line of information that follows it, along with a bunch of visual elements that are necessary to the issue, whether this is to prove a problem or to elaborate on a problem, it should all be researched, purposed and communicated to its best.

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